Set FS=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set RS=FS.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("counter.txt"), 1, False)
'This code is disabled due to the write access security on our server:
'Set RS=FS.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath("counter.txt"), 2, False)
'RS.Write fcount
Set RS=Nothing
Set FS=Nothing
Little Boy's Dream -- A Tribute to the 2006 World Series Champion
St. Louis Cardinals
Little Boy's Dream
true story of a team through the eyes of a young boy ...who happens to
years old now.
by Phil Grizzard
This website is my tribute to the St. Louis Cardinals, to baseball, and to
childhood. Here I chronicle my life as a Cardinals fan, the amazing 2006
Series Championship run by the prohibitive underdogs, and the improbable
whirlwind opportunity for me to attend postseason games during this
run. I also reflect on many topics, trying my hand at some amateur
and social commentary. Feel free to begin perusing the site now, or
some details below. |
Website Details
As you can see above, this website has 10 main pages—one for each
Cardinals World Series Championship. Each page has its own logo. (Yes,
I'm a
Some of the pages get kind of
long, so I've tried to make navigating them easy, with labeled
subsections. At
the end of a segment, I have put the "left-facing bird" to indicate conclusion, where
Starting with the last four
games of
the 2006 regular season, I have written the playoff run and ensuing
celebration in
present tense. I feel like this brings the reader into the moment better
than past
tense does. Everything before late September 2006 is in past tense to
emphasize the time perspective of this journal.
The heading for each game is a
clickable link to the stlcardinals.com
summary for that game. I also have many
links to various other sites throughout these pages. It is possible
that some of
these external links may one day be taken down. It is also possible
that I have mislabeled an internal link, in which case a message will
appear from a German guy saying the webpage "ist nicht hier!"
If either of these occur, then that's a
bummer, but
you can just click Back and continue your reading
I will briefly address this
because I know it bugs some people. Yes, I realize that I am not on the
Cardinals roster, coaching staff, front office, or even waterboy crew.
Despite this,
I will often use the word "we" or "us" when referring to the St. Louis
Cardinals. It's
just a quick way to differentiate the Cards from the other team, and
besides, why
pretend I'm not biased? This is the freedom I have since I'm a fan and
not a
sportswriter. If this bothers you, please forgive me. Hopefully it will
be clear from
the context when "we" refers to a group I am actually a part of, rather
than the
Major League Baseball team.
Non-Cardinal fans be forewarned:
These experiences are entirely from my perspective. While I like to think
that I
have some humility and objectivity as a fan, I'm sure that my bias will be
annoying to you
times (see above paragraph, for instance).
It's probably pretty clear which
pictures are personal pictures as opposed to professional pictures I found
the web. But just to make sure, I've set it up so that all of my original
pictures—either taken by me or someone in my party—are
"clickable." There are a few sweet pictures I took that could be mistaken
professional ones. If you can click on it and see it isolated on a page,
then it is
my own personal photo.
Speaking of pictures, if you
want to see the complete set of photos for a particular event, I provide
the links to my snapfish.com albums. When you
click on these links, Snapfish will ask you to create a username and
password if you don't already have one with them. But they are very good
about not sending spam, just be sure to select your email preferences the
way you want them. Then you can see the full array of photos in all their